Ever since the lockdown came into place, that one person who is happier than all the introverts out there, has to be our furries, for them it means they get to stay with their favourite hoomans all day long. And honestly, if it weren’t for them, chances are we’d have already gone crazy by this time.
Pets have a way with humans that no one else does. They bring out the best side of you, making you forget about all your sorrows and teach you the two most important lessons in life - one that love is always unconditional and second, that naps after lunch are very important 😊.
Here are 5 reasons why your pooch is probably your best quarantine buddy :
1). They are good entertainers and your happy pill:
The one thing that still makes us laugh or puts a broad smile across our face is our dog. With their dippy antics of sometimes running away with your laundry in the mouth to making you want to keep petting them as they make their puppy dog faces, dogs are happiness.
2). They are the best sleeping buddies:
Have you ever noticed your dog running around for a bit and then choosing a comfortable cosy spot to nap in because they’ve outrun that energy in them for the moment? That’s precisely how much they love taking naps and sometimes are the sole reason for our exceeded sleeping hours.
3). They keep you active:
In a time, when getting out of bed in itself deserves an Oscar, to have a reason to not just crawl out of the bed but also to take your dog out for a walk or a run, or even to the balcony for some fresh air and poopy business can account for keeping you active.
4). They are good listeners:
5). They make for great in-home selfie partners: